The Serpent

The Serpent

The serpent carries the meanings of malevolence, malice, and mystery, as well as insight and divination. In some places, people believe that a Serpent found in their court can bring delight. However, in most cases, this animal is considered evil, which scares people from the bottom of the heart.

There are some idiomatic expressions in China that indicate the danger of this animal, for example, once bitten by the snake twice less than ten years.

The snake is the sixth in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac sign. The years of the snake include 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037.

Men born in the year of the snake are mysterious and experienced. They are gentle and know how to say the right things. In an awkward situation, you can always depend on them to tell a joke.

Unlike others, these men believe in romance. They often give their other sweet and meaningful surprises. They are also creative and empathetic. However, they long to be the center of attention and easily get jealous. This makes socialization difficult for them.

Women born in the year of the Snake are graceful and graceful. They are beautiful, both inside and out. His confidence is manifested in his high fashion and appreciation for classical art.

They always think ahead, although they often act like they don't care. They have high standards for friends. They want wealth and power. With your intelligence and skills, success shouldn't be a problem.

However, his biggest flaw is his jealousy. They cannot bear to see others who are more successful. However, this becomes a motivation to work harder and improve.

Racing fit for snakes

Snakes will do well in jobs that require quick thinking and quick reaction speeds. They are great improvisers. They will do well in competitive fields like presenters and competitive sports.

They also have their own unique methods. No matter what others say, they will stand firm. For people like this, managerial and leadership positions are the best. When the team is confused, they will be able to guide their team members in the right direction.

Because of this, they are not suitable for careers where they cannot express their opinions. Routine, standardized jobs are not for them. Still, snakes must learn to listen. Consider the thoughts of others and combine them with your own ideas. This is the path to lasting success in the workplace.

Things that will bring luck to snakes:

Most Compatible with Snake: Monkey, Rooster, Ox

Monkeys and snakes form the most compatible pair. They have similar personalities, but one is yin and the other is yang. Therefore, they can achieve harmony.

The snake and the Gaul look very different, but they are quite compatible. A rooster's skill and taste are what attract a snake. They also fit well with oxen. A snake gives the ox warmth and romance, and it receives a reliable anchor in return.

Less compatible with: tiger, pig

It is difficult for a Snake and a Tiger to sympathize and understand each other. The relationship will be full of suspicion and coldness. Snakes are also incompatible with pigs. They can work well together, but there is not much trust in a relationship.

How to build relationships with snakes?

People born in a year of the snake don't have many friends. It is extremely difficult to get to know them because they keep their feelings locked inside. Snakes are careful when choosing friends. They will never forgive a break in friendship.

Once people are his / her friends, a snake is ready to share its pain and happiness with them. Snakes guard their chosen friends as well as valuable possessions, and they are easily jealous and even obsessive.

Your health outlook will get worse this year, not just for snakes, but for your friends and family as well. Cultivating your health is essential for a productive year. A strict diet, daily exercise, and enough sleep will help ward off disease (as will good genes).

Snakes in the year of the rat (2020)

The year of the rat doesn't bring much to look forward to for snakes. While you are not as unfortunate as the Horse, you will still need to be on your guard against suspicious behavior. On the other hand, fortune will come to you in the form of a friend or business partner. If you can put aside your doubts, luck will seek you. Success will be possible for those who strive.

Be attentive to your family members. Male and elderly family members will be the most prone to setbacks. Anything you can do to improve and protect your health will be beneficial. Visit them often and try to encourage a healthy diet.

2020 is an excellent year to explore your emotional side. Take the time to learn about yourself; for example, the things that make you feel good or what you appreciate most about being in a relationship. Being able to understand and love yourself forms a great foundation for starting new relationships, as well as working on existing partnerships. The single snake will make new connections as long as they can be open and honest with their partners. However, take the time to get to know the person before jumping in headfirst.


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